Geology 1 Field Trip
Field trip map
Google maps of beach
Beach website: Little Corona Beach

What to bring:
Protection from the sun: Sunscreen. Hat/long sleeves
Water bottle.
Pen/pencil + something to write on
Cellphone and or camera


1) To make sure we end on time we will start on time (10:00 AM at the green star).
2) Get the cellphone number of a classmate in case you are late so they can tell you where we are.
3) Drive safe!
4) Read the parking signs to make sure you can park where you are parking.
5) Give yourself time to drive safe and park.

What will we be doing?

Experiencing field geology.
Seeing typical southern California coast.
Identifying sedimentary rock.
Identifying large scale and small scale structural geology features in the field.
Seeing a wave cut Cliffside.
Seeing a wave cut bench.
Seeing how the biology and geology influence each other.
Taking compass readings.
Taking field notes.